Due to lack of stable internet, this post is a week or so late...soooo there'll be a lot more pictures. :D But, besides unstable internet, everything is going very well here!
Baby J is 2 weeks on Sunday!!!! He was born Sunday, January 30th, and he was 9 lbs 1 oz! Since he is about 2 weeks old, I have pictures from the last couple of weeks, so even in the 2 weeks he's changed so much!
Here he is just 2 days old...
Baby J is 2 weeks on Sunday!!!! He was born Sunday, January 30th, and he was 9 lbs 1 oz! Since he is about 2 weeks old, I have pictures from the last couple of weeks, so even in the 2 weeks he's changed so much!
Here he is just 2 days old...

Then here he is, awake, at a week old....isn't his outfit so cute!

They dedicated him this past Sunday so that R's mom could be here for it. (she left today ) It was really special!!

Before going to church we took some family pictures, and here's one of my favorites. :D

Here are the pictures I took of him in his dedication outfit.

He's asleep again

Here he is a couple days ago...awake!! :D

Well, it's hard to believe he's really here, but he is, and he is such a cutie!! For the most part he is not fussy, and has been sleeping pretty well at night. The kids love him, and are so excited he's here!!
I will be posting in a few days...I really will be!!! There'll be lots of pictures of the kids and a few more.
Here's a picture of D and N and their Grandma this morning before she left. They love their Grandma!!!

Talk to you all soon!!! Thank you for all your prayers!! :D
Thank you so very, very much for sharing all these pictures and all the news. Beppe Alice in Florida. :)