So, I still don't have the pictures I need for the next post, so here are a few to keep you satisfied till then. (though I think that Beppe will be the most happy to see her cute grandkids )
These pictures are from when we went into the city to start baby J's passport stuff...the kids were so happy to play in the pool :D
Aren't they such a hoot in their sunglasses??

And here's little N lounging in the hammock

The boys climbing the tree beside the house

Last Sunday when we were leaving for church, D was trying to help N fix her headband :P

Then this picture of J, which I think is my all time favorite of him, I took a couple weeks ago. Isn't he darling?? He's getting SO big!!

And now, here are some pictures from when we went to Jinja...we were there for a little vacation last weekend. It was very nice, and I had a wonderful time. It was a nice break for all of us. :D
Here is their beautiful family at on the Nile River...

and here is part of the falls...isn't it beautiful?!

This is on the way there...we passed through the thick wouldn't want to get stuck here...just sayin' I took it from out the back window of the car, so it's not the best, but it gives you a picture of part of what we drove through

Also on the way there, we stopped and got chicken on a stick it was delicious!!! :D It's a drive through...they're just on the roadside, and when you stop they all swarm your car and try to sell you their chicken and gonjas (bananas) :DI wish I had gotten pictures of it.
I did, however, get pictures of the yummy chicken

Then on the way back, R took some pictures for me when we were in the city, of the streets. This is what you see while driving through. :D It's great!

Isn't this awesome?! We saw two different guys with tons of bottles on their bikes! I was pretty impressed.

There are also people that carry 4 to 5, or more, big huge banana bunches on the back of their bicycles or boda-bodas. :D
Hopefully I'll be posting the second part of NH soon!!! I'll work on that tomorrow. :D
Hopefully I'll be posting the second part of NH soon!!! I'll work on that tomorrow. :D