Hey All!!
I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to post an update...again!!! Hopefully I'll be posting a couple times this week...we'll see how things go. In the first post I said that I wasn't going to be able to post many pictures...well it was true. I tried to post a picture, and it wouldn't work, but I have a pretty awesome friend who's going to post for me so I can put up as many pictures as I want!!!!!! :D That way you can get a better feel of where I am and what I'm doing! (and like I always say, blogs are a lot more interesting with pictures!!
So, to start off, I'll show you some pictures of the cutie patooties that I'm taking care of. (the third one is coming soon!)
This is D!! He just turned 3 last Saturday!
I'm really sorry it's taken me so long to post an update...again!!! Hopefully I'll be posting a couple times this week...we'll see how things go. In the first post I said that I wasn't going to be able to post many pictures...well it was true. I tried to post a picture, and it wouldn't work, but I have a pretty awesome friend who's going to post for me so I can put up as many pictures as I want!!!!!! :D That way you can get a better feel of where I am and what I'm doing! (and like I always say, blogs are a lot more interesting with pictures!!
So, to start off, I'll show you some pictures of the cutie patooties that I'm taking care of. (the third one is coming soon!)
This is D!! He just turned 3 last Saturday!

He is such a big helper and a very sweet little guy. He likes climbing trees,

riding his boda (I'll have to show you a picture of that) it's a little bike/motorcycle, swinging on a hammock and the swing on the front porch, and playing with the boys next door.

This is N. She is an adorable 17 month old that is constantly on the go!!

She loves playing with her big brother with his trucks and going on the tire swing next door. She is learning new words every day and her favorite word is "owie". She also loves cows! I'll have to get pictures of those too!

Well, that's all for now...I'll be posting in a few days hopefully, with more info.